by Lore Sjöberg
Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries
What is a "Cap'n" anyway? The rank below
a "Maj'r"? Anyhow, I am fully in favor of this cereal. Lovely
does-not-occur-in-nature pink color to the "crunchberries," extra points for
pretending that they're actual fruit, neat spokescharacter. The only real
flaw is that it seems to be specifically designed to scrape three layers
of skin off your gums with each bowl. A-
Cookie Crisp
Lame. It was a good concept, it could have gone somewhere,
but the fact is that the cereal bits bear no closer resemblance to
chocolate chip cookies than Fruity Pebbles do to actual rocks. Also, this
Cookie Crook character is shamelessly derivative of the whole Trix Rabbit
Cereal Theft genre, only instead of the kids looking after their own damn
cereal they have an animated figure of authority to protect it for them. I
am, however, an advocate of pouring milk on Chips Ahoy and eating that for
breakfast. C-
Cocoa Puffs
The canonical chocolate sugar cereal. First off, it turns the
milk chocolatey with eerie efficiency. When you've finished the cereal,
that milk is damn chocolatey. Secondly, it actually does stay crunchy in
milk. I don't know for how long, I haven't run tests, but its crunchy-
staying power is remarkable. Thirdly, "Sonny" is a fine cartoon
spokesanimal in the no-pants tradition. And finally, and this is the vital
point, it's the only cereal that openly admits to inducing hyperactivity.
"Go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" is obvious shorthand for "Parents, your
children are going to be putting Keds marks on the walls after a couple
bowls of this stuff." A
In my childhood, the three main selling points of Honeycombs
were: a) The individual cereal pieces are about an inch in diameter, b)
They have a lot of surface area, and c) Large people will attempt to take
it from you if you eat it. So, given these dubious advantages, it is
unsurprising that I am somewhat disappointed with the cereal. I've also
never been terribly fond of honey-flavored breakfast cereal ("The
delicious corn and oat cereal that's been mugged with honey!") so that was
another point against. Still, it's the only cereal I know that actually
improves in flavor when damp. C
Spider-Man Cereal
This one's relatively new, part of the continual march
of tie-in cereals that appear on the market, make a few bucks, then fade
away. Folks, they're not even trying with this one. The marshmallow bits
are really sad. They don't look like anything. You read the side of the
box, it explains what they are, and they STILL don't look like anything.
The premium inside is a lame "trading card," and the cereal itself
("Spider Webs") is just hexagonal frosted Rice Chex. Bleah.
Cinnamon Mini-Buns
This is just not an exciting cereal. Let's face it,
when you were a kid, Cinnamon Buns were just not as thrilling a breakfast
sugar food as, say, doughnuts. So from the beginning you're got this kind
of "capture the tedium" feeling. Then there's the interesting discovery
that when reduced to miniature size, cinnamon buns resemble some sort of
tidepool mollusk. The box I got came with a little superhero comic book,
so they're obviously trying to hit the kid market, but I think it's pretty
well doomed from the beginning.