Rules For My Apartment Complex
by Lore Sjöberg
Cars May Not Be Painted in Psychedelic Colors
This, I have to say, was a huge disappointment, given that I traditionally
celebrate moving into each new apartment with a re-enactment of the
"Can You Picture That" number from The Muppet Movie using my 1997
Toyota Corolla in lieu of a Studebaker. Thwarted in this, I
am forced instead to stand atop it and sing "Never Before" in a Miss
Piggy voice, and I don't see how that's going to make my neighbors
any happier. C-
No Drinking in the Common Area
Looking around the apartment complex, I can only assume that I got a bad
copy of the rental agreement and that the actual rule is "No drinking
in the common area unless you have your shirt off." Or possibly,
"No drinking in the common area, except for watery American beer, which
frankly is so low in alcohol it can practically drive in some states." C
No Bottle or Cans in the Window
The rules thus far, taken as a whole, remind me of a high-strung
upper-class woman desperately trying to cover up for her husband's
alcoholism. "For God's sake Henry, it's bad enough that you've turned
yourself into a pathetic mockery of adulthood, but do you have to ruin
my life, too? I'm not asking that much, dammit! Just keep your drinking
inside, your stinking cans and bottle off the window sill, and for Christ's
sake don't go on one of your benders and paint the car fluorescent pink
again! Just do that for me and you can drink yourself to death for all
I care!" C-
No Slamming of Refrigerator Doors
This comes well within the category of "Things I had no interest in doing
until they were forbidden to me." I've never been mad enough at the
contents of my fridge to slam the door, although I once had some
liverwurst that pissed me off pretty bad. And refrigerators have
that puffy lining around the door that keeps them from slamming effectively
anyway. But now that I've been expressly told not to slam it, I feel
put out and ready to take this one to the Supreme Court. D
No Snorkels in the Pool
I'm really perplexed by this one. Do they consider snorkels unsightly?
Dangerous? Perverse? Does the property owner just refuse to believe that
the word "snorkel" really exists? I suppose it could be to prevent people
of slipping on snorkels left by the side of the pool and cracking their
fool heads open, but there's no rule against, say, toy firetrucks. Weird. D+
Apartment Must Be Used Solely as a Dwelling Unit
I assume that by this they mean that it must be used only as a home
and not as, say, the headquarters and production center for a Web-based
comedy magazine. Once again I find myself living in the shadowy boundaries
of a rental agreement, where right and wrong give way to questions of
whether I'll get my deposit back. It's a hard life, but it's the life
I've chosen. D-