More Unreal Tournament Weapons
by Lore Sjöberg
Impact Hammer
Luckily we've moved past the archaic, pixellated days when first-person
shooter characters who ran out of guns had no choice but to pound
demons into infernal putty with their bare fists. In the
enlightened-yet-darkened world of Unreal Tournament, all combatants
carry with them, at all times, a device designed for cracking skulls
like fortune cookies. The industrial design and sound effects keep
this from being as pure and simple as one might hope, but I appreciate
the effort nonetheless. C+ |
It's pretty much your standard gun. It's nice that you can pick
up two and re-enact your favorite Chow Yun Fat movie, but
it loses points because the description on the official Unreal
Tournament page says that you can fire them in "gangsta" mode.
Oh, please. D |
This is my favorite weapon after the Flak Cannon, and for similar
reasons. It's easy to use, reasonably effective, and unloads enough
virtual metal that I'm likely to at least wing somebody before I'm
a victim of high-speed exploratory surgery. And it goes ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat! B+ |
Sniper Rifle
This is loads of fun if it works. You get the little crosshairs, the
screen goes close-up, and suddenly the world is a small-town traveling
carnival and your enemies are poorly-painted tin ducks. Particularly
nice is when you can sight a respawn point and pile up fresh
warrior corpses like Spin Doctors singles in a discount music bin. It's a
cheap tactic, I know, which is what I like about it. When it's not
happening to me. B |
Pulse Gun
Dull. Not a bad weapon, but it just shoots a big green line. It looks
a little too much like one of those really early science fiction films
where the "laser beam" is just some marks someone scratched into the film
with a paper clip. I'm yawning just writing about it. Let's move on,
shall we? D+ |
This, this is fun. When you fire the Redeemer, you seem to become the weapon.
The view switches to first-person mode and you control your flight,
winding through halls and around corners like the unseen slasher in
a slasher flick, until you come upon one or more enemies and then you blow
up. And then you're back to yourself again. It's actually pretty
easy to shoot down, so most accomplished players consider it only slightly
higher on the threat scale than someone yelling "U SUK!!!!!!", but it's great
fun while it lasts. A |