by Lore Sjöberg
Mexican "Dog" Turns Out To Be Hairless Rat
I'll be the first to admit a vague resemblance between
chihuahuas and hairless gutter vermin, but it's a bit
beyond suspension of disbelief to imagine that a ditzy
old woman would actually mistake the latter for the former.
And even if she did, wouldn't one of her friends set her
straight? Or is carrying around an obese diseased rodent
the sort of thing one politely overlooks in high society,
kind of like a crawling, scaly version of spinach in your teeth? C-
..And On The Door Handle Was a Hook!
Scary, but you'd think that any prospective murderer would
make life easier on himself and open the door with the hand
that can actually grip things. I've never tried opening a
car door with a hook, but one imagines it's something like
trying to remove a bra with a spoon. C
Girl Accidentally Breeds Spiders in Hair
A classic urban legend, but one these days it's not much
of a cautionary tale, given that young women rarely wear elaborate
beehives any more. "Spiders in the Sanrio Lunchbox" might be
more appropriate, but it lacks something. Perhaps a paranoid
rumor about the dangers of exposed bellybuttons is in
order. C+
Your Kidneys May Be Stolen From Your Body
This is a wonderful horror story, replete with nice
improbable touches like waking up naked and
bleeding in a bathtub full of ice: I may never eat
shrimp cocktail again. The special touch, though, is
the humanitarian nature of this legend: it teaches that
we, too, can help those in need, if only by being drugged
and subjected to nonconsentual and life-threatening surgery. A
The Vanishing Hitchhiker
This lacks a certain something. At least the version in
"Pee Wee's Big Adventure" had a squiggly claymation horror
face. The usual version just ends with the driver being
informed that he gave a lift to a ghost. At least a ghost
won't change your radio station or leave hemp seeds all
over your upholstery. D+