State License Plates
by Lore Sjöberg
New Jersey
New Jersey, in an act of unprecedented chutzpah, has apparently created
a license plate commemorating smog. The perplexing thing is not just that
the fading urine-yellow background looks like grimy smog on a summer day,
but that it's hard to imagine what else it could possibly be meant to
evoke. Even more odd are the special plates that have pictures of things
like an American bald eagle in the smog, a lighthouse in the smog,
and a cute little happy kitty and puppy in the smog. D
Ohio recently changed the slogan on its plates to "Birthplace of
Aviation." North Carolina, being the location of Kitty Hawk, has long
had "First in Flight" as its license plate slogan. Now, I appreciate
wanting to point out that the Wright Brothers were actually from Ohio
and just went to North Carolina for proof-of-concept, but is
America really so devoid of history that we need to double up on our
claims to fame? What's next, "Phildelphia: Where the Wright Brothers
Went For Bagels"? D+
Rhode Island
"The Ocean State," this plate proclaims, with a stylized ocean in the
background in case you're saying to yourself "Ocean, ocean...I've heard
that word before, but I can't place it." Anyhow, I think it's sad that
a state is reduced making a big deal out of what it's surrounded by. C-
New Mexico
I've always had a spongy bit in my heart for the stylized Pueblo Indian
sun symbol that appears on New Mexico license plates. It's called a
"zia." It's a great glyph and a great word and a great tragedy that it
isn't included in the Scrabble Players Dictionary. Also on the plate is
the phrase "Land of Enchantment," which is a nice sentiment even though
it sounds like a brand of butter. A
Say what you like about Wyoming, they've got an embossed rodeo cowboy
on their license plate. For some inexplicable reason this strikes me as
good. In fact, "The Embossed Rodeo Cowboy State" would make an excellent
replacement for their current lackluster nickname, "The Equality State." B-
The Oregon plate has a tree on it. This is called "playing to your
strengths." If there's one thing that Oregon has a lot of it's trees. If
there are two, it's trees and gas station attendants. You can also get
a license plate with a salmon on it, but I'm pretty sure there are more
gas station attendants than there are salmon. But it's not like it's a
competition or anything. Salmon and gas station attendants haven't been
at war since 1972. Sure, there's the occasional flare-up, but by and
large gas station attendants and salmon are able to keep an uneasy truce. C+