by Lore Sjöberg
The poster bird for the whole extinction deal, presumably because
it was harmless and sort of cute, which is how we like our animals.
It would be interesting to attempt to determine what's deader,
something dead as a dodo or something dead as a doornail. Doornails
still exist, but they were never alive in the first place, so it's
sort of a wash. The name, by the way, basically means "moron" in
the Portuguese of the time. That's insult to injury on a very visceral
level. You're a happy flightless bird, you waddle up to your interesting
new visitors and WHAM with a stick. And then they call you a moron. A
Passenger Pigeon
The thing you always hear about passenger pigeons is that they once
covered the sky like a blanket when migrating. Now, don't get me
wrong, I certainly don't want to wipe out even the most annoying and
inconvenient of God's creatures, but that doesn't seem like the sort
of thing that our society would put up with for long. Let's just say
that if someone managed to clone passenger pigeons and restore them to
their former sun-eclipsing glory, and once again "the dung fell in spots,
not unlike melting flakes of snow" as Audubon put it, this person would
not be receiving the Nobel Prize for Things People Appreciate. C
I definitely think this one was a terrible loss, if only because I love
the word "quagga." A group of South Africans is attempting to breed
quaggas back into existence, but in the meantime I think we should name
something else "quagga" just to keep the name in circulation. There
are people who object to these attempts to re-create extinct animals
on the grounds that it will make people less concerned about wiping out
entire species. I can see their point: "What do you mean the condors
have all been wiped out? We've got a whole vial of 'em right
here." B+
Irish Elk
I thought I'd drop one in that isn't our fault. This one died out
somewhere around 10,000 years ago, which rules out even the Portuguese.
Like many of us, it was actually neither Irish nor an elk, and like many
of us it was the center of a theological controversy. A vocal contingent
argued that God would never allow an animal to become extinct and that
we were sure to find a living specimen if only we searched thoroughly
and checked under our car seats. Aren't you glad that we've moved on
from such silly dogma and on to more scientific questions like whether
the dinosaurs all drowned in The Flood? B
Great Auk
The sad thing here is that our children will never know how truly
great an auk can be. They'll gaze upon a Razor-Billed Auk or perhaps a
Craveri's Murrelet and they'll say "Wow! That's a great auk!" and we'll
lower our eyes and sadly sigh to ourselves, knowing that true
auk greatness has been removed from the world forever. Is it just
me or does "Craveri's Murrelet" sound like an enchanted treasure from
a D&D game? C-