by Lore Sjöberg
Circus Cookies
Mmmmm! Unidentifiable animal lumps! Vaguely organism-shaped,
frosting-swathed, pink-and-white cookie gobs! With sprinkles!
Circus Cookies are just another example of the leaps of faith
one is expected to make as a child. Vegetables are good for you,
running around in the rain in your underwear is bad for you, and
circus cookies are shaped like animals, dammit. C+
Lorna Doone Shortbread Cookies
One of the great traumas of my childhood was when my mother
decided to pick up shortbread cookies.
It was not unlike when she tried to convince us that
fresh fruit qualified as dessert; for the life of me, I couldn't figure out
what she was thinking. Didn't the package say "bread" right on it?
Weren't they completely devoid of frosting, filling, or jolly artificial
colors? Were they not hawked by someone named "Lorna"?
It was amazing to me that they ever got past the cookie
division of the FDA. D+
Not so much the king of cookies as the evil overlord. And I mean
that in a good way. Oreos have elevated cookiedom to an act of
terrorism; when I don't have them I want them the way a lab monkey
wants heroin. When I do have them I want more. They're showing
signs of overlord-style hubris, though. With the mini Oreos and
the fudge Oreos and the Oreos with odd shapes on them and the
strangely colored holiday Oreos and the eerie white-fudge-covered
ermine-esque Oreos, maybe the brand name will soon stretch itself
so thin that I can escape. In the meantime, they beat
hell out of Hydrox.A-
Nilla Wafers
Considering Nilla Wafers, Froot Loops, and Kool-Aid, it's a wonder
kids ever learn to spell or sit still. As cookies, these pups
rate only slightly higher than Shortbread, q.v. However, they
are the philosopher's stone of instant pudding, transforming
vanilla pudding into gold. Well, along with bananas. Of all the
Arkie cuisine passed down from my grandmother to my mother to
me, Vanilla Pudding with Nilla Wafers and Bananas is the
proverbial cake-taker. Of course, in the big picture the whole
carrots in Jell-O thing kind of offsets that. B-
Fig Newtons
These are weird. Nabisco launched an ad campaign trying to
convince us that Newtons are not cookies, but rather are
an entity unto themselves, too worthy to be sunk into common
snack food genera. So if you heard a hearty "yeah, right" echo
through the collective unconscious recently, that's why.
I don't know about you, but in my local grocery they're
located right between the E.L. Fudge and the Flaky Flix.
If that's not the very definition of a cookie, I don't know
what is. B
Chocolate Nutter Butters
You know, I'm not actually a big fan of peanutiness, and less
so of things that are shaped like peanuts but are not actually
peanuts. Having said that, I'm forced to admit to a near-fanatical
allegiance to Nutter Butters. I don't get it. Anyhow, I suffered
a brief cardiac caesura when I discovered the existence of
Chocolate Nutter Butters, which are the same deal only with
chocolate cookies. And also, they suck. I don't know how
they did it, but they managed to find chocolate cookies that
make the ones in the big Mother's assortment bag taste like
ambrosia by comparison. Bleagh. D-