Cold and Flu Remedies
by Lore Sjöberg
I enjoy the lozenge. I consider lozenge-sucking one of the few good
aspects of a sinus-swelling throat infection. I suck them down like
considerably less-jolly Jolly Ranchers. I made the mistake of looking
at the ingredient list once, though. It said "ACTIVE INGREDIENT: PECTIN."
Pectin? How is pectin an active ingredient in the war against throat
pain? I think they just put that in there because "ACTIVE INGREDIENT:
YOUR OWN SALIVA, ACTUALLY" isn't going to sell a lot of cough drops. A+
Chicken Soup
Every flu season magazines and newspapers love to run articles about
how chicken soup really is good for a cold, just like they say.
One doctor says that cooked chicken releases anti-respiratory medication,
another says that soup inhibits inflammatory white blood cells, and
so forth. That's all fine and good, but if someone tries to present
me with scientific proof that Chicken Soup for the Soul
actually is good for your soul, I'm leaving the planet. B
Vicks Vapo-Rub
I remember this being very soothing as a child, but I've never been able
to actually work up the will to spread menthol goo on my own chest as
an adult. Lying on my back with globs of jelly in my chest hair would
just make me feel like somebody's fetish. Plus, and this is the kicker,
it makes me smell like some sort of monstrous irradiated eucalyptus
tree. None for me, thanks. C-
Cough Syrup
You'll note that the ultimate low point for booze is tasting like cough
syrup. If the alcohol in question is coming out of a shatter-proof
plastic jug, chances are someone will point out the similarity to it and
Robitussin. Given that I'm not the biggest fan of cheap booze, the
ideal abstraction of cheap booze isn't going to appeal to me either,
cough or no cough. D+
Blech blech blech. Talk about the cure being worse than the disease.
If I were to catch an illness that made the taste of echinacea
ooze down my throat every thirty minutes, I'd be pounding on the
triage counter at the emergency room demanding satisfaction faster than
you can say "FDA approval." Luckily Big Medicine is catching on to this
and releasing items with the echinacea flavor heavily masked. If they
come out with children's chewable echinacea I might give it a try. D