by Lore Sjöberg
Ah, the drink of choice for the pseudo-sophisticate who
considered Jell-O shots the height of glamour until "Swingers"
came out. You can tell the real losers because they
specify whether they want their Martini shaken or stirred, but
they don't bother to ask for name gin. Whatever difference
shaking supposedly makes, it's not going to hide the fact that
well gin is the most god-awful substance ever to sterilize a
cigarette burn. D+
Harvey Wallbanger
With most oddly-named drinks ("Long Slow Comfortable Screw in a
Rusty Black Cadillac, José") the name is, shall we say, the
best part. Not Harvey, though. A well-made Harvey Wallbanger is
like a Wampa: strong, cold, and quite capable of knocking you
unconscious. I wouldn't recommend the Galliano on its own, though.
By itself it's a disconcerting bright yellow, and it smells like
licorice jelly beans. But combined with vodka and
fresh orange juice, it becomes something truly remarkable. A
Cuba Libre
A good choice for those who find all this froufing about with
shakers and sword-shaped toothpicks to be distasteful,
and who long for the days when strawberry-kiwi wine coolers were
considered a sophisticated beverage selection. What is it? It's a
rum and Coke. With lime juice. But it sounds good. Pronounce
it KOO-bah LEE-bray and you'll fit right in with your painfully
retro palsie-walsies. B
Tequila Shooters
The whole shooter craze never did much for me, but a tequila shot
done in the classic style -- salt, tequila, lime, involuntary neck spasm --
is more than a shooter. It's a brief drama, a tragic opera of spirits
that fits in the palm of your hand. Pain and passion, sweetness and tears, citrus and
sodium and fermented cactus juice. B+
Bloody Mary
Delicious when well-prepared. And according to federal school lunch guidelines
it qualifies as a vegetable. One incredibly important note: a Bloody Mary does
not contain V-8. I don't know what kind of blasphemous watercress-infested
stew you get by combining V-8 and vodka, but a Bloody mary it isn't. A
Mmm...breakfast booze. It's wonderful how Western culture has produced
such a transparent, yet socially acceptable method of getting a buzz before noon
on Mother's Day. Champagne drinks tend to be a little affected for
my tastes, but any port in a storm. As it were. C