by Lore Sjöberg
Millions of dollars are spent each year on products with names
like "Hugo" and "Acqua Di Gio": expensive water that smells like
flower sweat. We don't really see the appeal in smelling like flower sweat;
we'd just be happy if fewer people standing next to us
smelled like people sweat.
Which brings us to our point. Perhaps the ever-so-compelling design
behind the designer clothing and cologne ads that infest magazines
like P.O.V. can be turned towards public service: if you can
convince people to blow wads on perfume, surely you can convince
even social maladroits to change their shirts at least once
every couple weeks.
Toward that end, we present the following works of consumer art.
Give the URLs to someone you know who needs the nudge.
Print them out and tack them up outside your cube. Maybe together
we can make the world a better place.