![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-paperclips.gif) |
Is this about the paperclips? I swear I'll return every last one.
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-fewer.gif) |
The company is going in a different direction? Yeah, a direction with fewer employees.
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-pin.gif) |
Don't I even get a commemorative pin?
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-exploding.gif) |
I'm sorry, did you say something? I was busy visualizing your head exploding.
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-stilltalking.gif) |
Why are you still talking? I've just been laid off, you think I'm gonna retain any of this?
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-softball.gif) |
Can I still play on the softball team?
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-401k.gif) |
I had a 401(k)? Damn, I wish they'd've mentioned that earlier.
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-toupee.gif) |
Before I go, one question. That's a toupee, right?
![[ Dave ]](/images/exitthoughts-love.gif) |
I thought you loved me.