by Lore Sjöberg
Chapter 1: Famous quotations
"Free at last, free at last": 161
"Show me the money": 542
Chapter 2: Moral Education
"share your toys": 25
"worship Satan": 181
Chapter 3: Popular Culture
"Das Boot": 822
"Gilligan's Island": 1683
Chapter 4: Van Halen
"Sammy Hagar rules": 1
"David Lee Roth rules": 0
Chapter 5: Legumes
"garbanzo bean": 99
"chickpea": 891
Chapter 6: Ideals
"101 reasons why I'm a vegetarian": 84
"101 things not to say during sex": 124
Chapter 7: Uses of the Web
"voter's guides": 28
"pictures of naked women": 1431