Which is Worse?
by Steve Berlin
Some time ago, we ran a little poll-like thing to determine
the greater of various sets of two evils. The results are below.
Kathy Lee (2018) is worse than Regis (827)
William Shatner's Singing (2463) is worse than William Shatner's Acting (389)
Really Baggy Pants (1522) are worse than Backwards Baseball Caps (1318)
Jar Jar Binks (2428) is worse than Ewoks (418)
Britney Spears (1786) is worse than Christina Aguilera (1062)
Politicians (2216) are worse than Lawyers (634)
Retro-80s (1546) is worse than Retro-70s (1303)
Telemarketers (1901) are worse than Spam (951)
Cathy (1658) is worse than Marmaduke (1175)
Old Navy Ads (1717) are worse than Gap Ads (1134)
Cell Phones while Driving (1514) are worse than Cell Phones in Restaurants (1339)
Barney (1589) is worse than Teletubbies (1266)
Movies based on Saturday Night Live Sketches (1783) are worse than Movies based on Cartoons (1068)