King Ghidora
For sheer entertainment, you can't beat a monster with three heads.
Two heads are fun and all, but add that third head and you're talking
Oscar material, if only in the sense that I know a guy named Oscar
who digs on it. However, filmmaking techniques of the time had no
method of adequately controlling three rubbery giant monster heads,
so they pretty much just bob around and shoot lightning
breath whenever one is pointed more or less in the right
direction. Even for a series of movies where "special effects magic"
is defined as "not being able to see the wires too much," it's
pretty lame. B
Mothra has a lot going for him in both his "disgusting larvae"
and "marginally less disgusting adult" forms -- pollen blasts,
spooge rays, eyes that are apparently made of some sort of golf ball --
but the real selling point is his entourage. Mothra's personal
affairs are handled by a pair of identical pixies in funky
thrift-store garb who break into song with disturbing regularity.
This is never adequately explained: giant moth, miniature women,
attractive carrying case, shut up and watch the movie. A
Advantage: French sculptor puns. Disadvantage: No arms, no teeth,
no breath rays, just big flappy wings. The whole reason for
watching Godzilla movies is to see things a) stomped, and b) blown up
with breath rays, so watching roof tiles fly off pagodas is a
little disappointing by comparison. He eventually developed fire
breath in 1993, but by then we'd had such science fiction classics
as "The Last Starfighter" and "Dreamscape," so it was really too little
too late. C+
This is one tricked-out honey of a mechanical lizard, and that's not
praise I hand out often. So many beams and rockets! Even his feet fire
rockets! Many people overlook the potential of feet when building giant
robots, but not the makers of Mechagodzilla. Another nice thing is that
his builders even went so far as to give him spine-spikes just like the
atomic monster he's modeled after. That's something I admire in alien
overlords bent on the subjugation of our planet: attention to detail.
Little Plastic Tanks
In spite of the fact that tanks have repeatedly been shown
to have no more effect on Godzilla than a shampoo and creme
rinse, they still get trotted out with every new monster
attack, rolling shakily over the canvas landscape and
firing their little sparklers. The reason for this, I'm guessing,
is political. If the prime minister fails to send the tanks,
in the next election his opponent will run ads saying
"In the last Godzilla attack, the incumbent failed to send
out the fakey-looking plastic tanks to protect us. My opponent
is obviously soft on giant monsters!" D+