The Brunching Shuttlecocks Features

Fashion Statements

Fashion Item Intended Statement Actual Perceived Statement
Stocking Cap "I smoke pot." "I see smoking pot as a complete lifestyle choice."
Goatee "I am a Stone Temple Pilots wannabe." "I am a Bud Bundy wannabe."
Spike Heels Slut Short slut
Cheap Shirt with Nametag on the Front "I am dressing down, pretending to be a garage mechanic." "I am dressing up, pretending to be a garage mechanic."
Nothing but Black Hipster Too big for Garanimals
Spiky-Looking Tribal Tattoo "I hate my parents." "I see shooting heroin as a complete lifestyle choice."
Baseball Cap "I had neither the time nor the energy to comb my hair this morning." "Me like baseball."
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