Big Momma's House
reviewed by The Self-Made Critic
He's fat AND he's a woman. That makes it funny!
Martin Lawrence is back in the sadly moronic excuse for a comedy, Big Momma's
House. Here's the story:
Martin is a detective. He wants to catch a bad guy, so he stakes out the
home of the bad guy's former lover's grandma. Then, when Granny inexplicably
leaves town, Martin impersonates the grandma to convince bad guy's former
lover that he's her granny. So he puts on the fat suit, and the jokes start
flying. Which is a little ironic, given the fact that Martin Lawrence was
recently hospitalized after collapsing while running in 100 degree heat while
wearing saran wrap.
Robin Williams in a fat suit was funny, because you saw affection for his
kids shine through. Eddie Murphy in a fat suit was funny because he gave the
Klumps such life. Mike Myers in a fat suit was so hideous it made my next
door neighbor run for Jenny Craig, which is ultimately good. Martin Lawrence
in a fat suit is lame. Stupid. Crass. Did I mention lame?
Oh sure it looks great. The make-up effects are astounding. Martin loses
himself in the 700-or-so pound Big Momma. But where Nutty Professor and Mrs.
Doubtfire made you care about the characters, Big Momma's House makes fart
Now, there's nothing wrong with a fart joke every now and then. There's
nothing wrong with a fat joke every now and then. But you should never
really base a movie on the two. There's also nothing wrong with a crass,
disgusting movie from time to time. Road Trip and American Pie were both
very disgusting, and quite funny. Big Momma's House is just sad.
Bad Hollywood for making this formulaic movie! Bad! Hollywood should be
taken out back and spanked for making this junk. Nothing makes any sense.
The story is something out of a disjointed Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book.
"If you want Big Momma to go to church, turn to page 27, if you want Big
Momma to play basketball, turn to page 81â^À¦"
The movie moves along as a series of skits. All of the skits are about
Martin Lawrence being Big Momma. All of them are about how funny it is that
he's fat and a woman. Most of them contain references to bodily fluids and
the like, comedy which stopped being funny when you were 12.
Is the movie a total loss? Well, no I guess not. Nia Long is pretty darned
cute as the bad guy's former lover who, naturally, Martin Lawrence falls for
while he's pretending to be her 1200 pound grandmother. Martin has a partner
(all formulaic cop pics have an unsung partner) played by Paul Giamatti who
isn't half bad. But Martin, Martin, Martinâ^À¦
The real tragedy is, the movie has made its money back. People went to see
it. Possibly you. If you went to see this movie, shame on you! Hang your
head in abject shame! You are making it possible for more of these
mind-suckingingly bad movies to be made! Stop it!!!
Repeat after me:
I promise that the next time I am about to go spend money to see a really
lame movie like Big Momma's House, I will slam my tongue in a doorway and
then read a book.
If enough of us band together, we may be able to put a stop to it. If not
for our sake, then for the children's sake!
Big Momma's House gets 1 1/8 Babylons. That's entirely for the brief
pleasure of seeing Paul Giamatti do a bump and grind to Rick James.
Editor's Note:
The SMC is completely off the mark this week. I saw Big Momma's House last
night and it's an amazing story, with compelling characters. I wonder if the
SMC saw Big Daddy, or The Big Kahuna instead, and is very, very confused.
Big Momma's House
Rated: PG-13
Directed By: Raja Gosnell
Starring: Pound for pound, more Martin Lawrence than anyone should ever have
to be subjected.